Countries: India, Indian Ocean, Indo-Pacific
Policy Areas & Themes: Defence & Security, Diplomacy, Foreign Policy, Indo-Pacific, Institutions, Maritime Security, Multilateralism, Strategic Partnerships
Kate Sullivan de Estrada is Associate Professor in the International Relations of South Asia at the University of Oxford and a Governing Body Fellow of St Antony’s College. Her research focuses on India's role and identity as a rising power, nuclear politics in South Asia, India's strategy in the Indo-Pacific, and Indian Ocean security. From March to December 2021 she served as Principal Research Analyst for India at the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. She has delivered expert testimony on the UK-India relationship to two UK parliamentary inquiries, worked with the Indian Ocean Commission as an Oxford Policy Exchange Network Fellow, and regularly engages in UK, EU, US and Indian Ocean policy spaces on India and on maritime security in the Indian Ocean.
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