Dr. Ayesha Siddiqi

University of Cambridge

Ayesha Siddiqi, Doctor at Cambridge, specializing in climate and development policy.

Expertise on

Countries: Pakistan
Policy Areas & Themes: Climate & Environment, Development Policy, Violence


Ayesha is a postcolonial geographer who has worked with communities affected by floods and typhoons to understand how disaster risks are produced and lived in marginalised and vulnerable societies.

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special research expertise on

  • Social contracts and political transformations

  • Lived experience of disasters in areas affected by conflict and insurgency

  • Postcolonial epistemologies and worldviews on disasters

Engagement experience includes

  • Secondment to the UK’s Houses of Parliament

  • Authoring reports for United Nations Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) 

  • Knowledge exchange with with NATO and MoD

Read a sample of Ayesha’s research outputs


Siddiqi, A., Peters, K., & Zulver, J. (2019). ‘Doble afectación’: living with disasters and conflict in Colombia. ODI Report: When disasters and conflict collide: uncovering the truth.

Siddiqi, A., & Peters, K. (2019). Disaster risk reduction in contexts of fragility and armed conflict: a review of emerging evidence challenges assumptions. Contributing paper to Global Assessment Report on disaster risk reduction 2019 (GAR19).

Research on Pakistan floods covered by Vox media (2023): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bVGuXrd5mg&t=6s



Dr. Ankita Pandey


Professor Kate Sullivan de Estrada